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Finding your server IP address, hostname and nameservers - Knowledgebase / cPanel Shared Web Hosting - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Finding your server IP address, hostname and nameservers

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Your server IP address, hostname and nameservers are all important when determining your required DNS configurations and help with email software configuration. Using the following information, you can determine if your domain name is pointing to your Micron21 Website Hosting services.


  1. Log into your cPanel hosting environment.

  2. Find the "Shared IP Address" located on the right-hand side under "General Information".  The IP address will relate to a server hostname and nameserver set detailed here.

  3. Some users on our hosting plans will have a dedicated IP address and it will not appear in the list below.  If this is the case, when logged into cPanel, the URL Bar will state a server hostname starting with “cp” or “cpsb” and ending with “”.   You can use this hostname and the list here to determine your nameserver records.

  4. Once you know which nameserver records are required for your domain name, you can then update your domain name with the required details.

    1. If your domain name is with Micron21, you can follow our guide to configure your nameserver records using Domain Panel.

    2. If your domain is hosted with a third-party company, you will need to contact them for details on how to manage nameserver records.

  5. If you have nameservers configured with a third-party, such as Cloudflare, you can update the A record associated with your domain name with them. To do so, please contact that third-party's support team for details on how to manage A records within their system. You will need to supply your Shared IP Address and domain name to their support staff.

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