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Creating new packages in your WHM reseller service - Knowledgebase / WHM Reseller Management - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Creating new packages in your WHM reseller service

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"Packages" are used as resource and feature templates for cPanel services within your WHM environment. Using packages, you can configure available features and manage the type of service you make available to your clients.

Keep in mind, that your packages will need to stay within your total reseller limit.  For example, if you have 3 users on a 5GB plan and only have 15GB of storage, you'll be unable to create any other users - as your resource limit will be exceeded.  For upgrade options, you can contact our Micron21 Sales team.


  1. Log into your WHM Reseller hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the "Add a Package" tool under the "Packages" category.

  3. Name the package in the "Package Name" field (as you will not be able to save a package without a name).
    Examples of package names are: "1GB Basic",  "10GB Advanced", and "Email Only".

  4. Set the resource limits and settings required for the package.  You can review the details of each option in the WHM Documentation here.

  5. Click "Add" to save the package, then you can assign the package to new and existing cPanel plans within your reseller account.

If you've created the package but noticed an issue or have changed your mind about resources or settings that you've configured,  you are able to edit or delete existing packages following our guide.

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