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Access Hosted Exchange Web Access (OWA/Webmail) - Knowledgebase / Email Hosting / Hosted Exchange - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Access Hosted Exchange Web Access (OWA/Webmail)

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Outlook OWA (Outlook Web App) is a web-based version of Microsoft Outlook that allows users to access their email, calendar, and contacts from a web browser. It is typically used by organisations as a way for employees to access their email and calendar remotely or from different devices. 

Accessing Outlook OWA

  1. Open a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
  2. Navigate to the following URL:
  3. Log ino the page using your email account username and password

Having trouble

If you're having trouble with access, feel free to contact our Support team and they can complete a password reset on your behalf.

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