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Updating your WHM reseller password - Knowledgebase / Security - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Updating your WHM reseller password

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Frequent changes to important passwords help to maintain secure access to your key systems and minimise your risk of compromise. In addition, enabling two-factor authentication for your key systems can keep your data even more secure. There are a number of different ways to manage your WHM password, which have each been detailed in this guide.

For Reseller hosting, the WHM username and password are the same as the primary cPanel account for the hosting package.  Hence, changing your cPanel password will in turn change the WHM password and vice versa. This is why it is also suggested that you enable two-factor authentication on your WHM Reseller hosting service as well.

Updating cPanel Password in WHM:

  1. Log into your WHM hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the "Password Modification" tool under the "Accounts Functions" category.

  3. Select the primary user account (this is the same username you use to access WHM).

  4. Enter your current password in the "Old Password" field.

  5. Enter your new password in the "New Password" and "New Password (Again)" fields.

  6. Click "Change your password now!" to complete the change.

Updating password in cPanel:

  1. Log into your primary cPanel account.

  2. Navigate to the "Password & Security" tool under the "Preferences" category.

  3. Enter your current password and new password.

  4. Click "Change your password now!" to commit the change.

Updating passwords in WHM using the List Accounts tool:

  1. Log into your WHM hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the "List Accounts" tool under the "Account Information" category.

  3. Find your primary cPanel account in the list (this is the same username you use to access WHM).

  4. Click the "+" button on your primary cPanel account. 

  5. Enter your new password in the "Change Password" field.

  6. Click "change" to commit the change.

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