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Accessing Domain Panel

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The Micron21 Domain Panel is our wholesale domain management area for domain resellers.  Here you can purchase, renew and manage all of your Micron21 domain names at wholesale prices.

If you do not have any domain names with us as yet, you can sign up for a Domain Panel account here.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter your email address - ensuring it is the one you used when purchasing your domain name originally.
  3. Enter your password.
    1. If you’re unsure of the password or it’s failing for some reason, click the "Forgot Password?” option.
    2. Enter your email address and click “Reset my password”.
    3. An email will be sent to the email address specified above for you to update the password.  Follow the details in the email to complete the change.
  4. If you have not configured Two Factor Authentication within your domain panel account, you can leave the “One Time Password” field blank, then Click “Log In”.
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