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Changes to domain name registrant details - Knowledgebase / Domain Panel - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Changes to domain name registrant details

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It's extremely important to make sure your registrant details are up to date. Keeping registrant data up to date ensures you can effectively manage your domain name. Out-of-date contact information can result in renewal notices being missed and domain names expiring.

Registrant Transfer:

A ‘registrant transfer’ is required when one registrant transfers their domain name to another eligible entity. A new 2-year licence will be issued to the new registrant once the transfer is complete and the domain name will be registered in the name of the new registrant with their contact details.  

In order to complete a Registrant Transfer, also called a Change of Registrant or CoR, you will need to ensure that both the current registrant and proposed registrant meet all eligibility requirements for the domain as per the eligibility and allocation criteria for the domain type. You will then need to supply a copy of the Change of Registrant request form to our team at per domain that you'd like to change. There is a Change of Registrant fee equal to $99 per domain, which includes a 2-year domain license. The current registrant is not entitled to be reimbursed for the unused portion of their domain name licence.

Change of Registrant - Auda policy documentation

Correction to registrant details:

A ‘correction to registrant details’ is required when a registrar changes the name of the registrant on their domain in order to correct an error made at the time of registration. This may also involve a name change in the relevant Government database where the ABN or ACN has not changed.

You can request a correction for your domain name by contacting our support team with the details as to why you are eligible for a correction. If you are ineligible for a correction you will need to complete a Change of Registrant request form as stated above.

The following circumstances are valid reasons for corrections to be completed:

  1. where the registrar or the registrant submitted incorrect data at the time of registration (eg. to correct a misspelling of the registrant’s name)

  2. where the domain name was incorrectly registered to the wrong party (eg. the domain name was registered in the name of a company employee instead of the name of the company)

  3. where the domain name was incorrectly registered in the name of the reseller or other agent who arranged the registration

Making a correction - Auda policy documentation

Change registrant/technical contact details:

A change of registrant contact details is required when the contact information associated with the domain name requires a change of any kind, such as a new business manager or technical manager replacing the existing details. Registrant contact details are mandatory for all .au domain names and must not be the registrar unless there is express written consent from the registrant to do so.

You can update your domain contact information by following our guide or by contacting our support team directly at with the required contact details.

Further Auda documentation:

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