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Changing a cPanel hosted email account password - Knowledgebase / Email Hosting - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Changing a cPanel hosted email account password

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If you need to reset the password on any email accounts that are set up on your domain, you can easily do this by following the steps below.


  • Log in to your cPanel account.

  • Under the "Email" header, select "Email Accounts".

  • Locate the email account you wish to change the password for and select the "Manage" button to the right of the list.

  • In the "Manage an Email Account" screen, locate the "Security" heading. Enter your new password in the "New Password" field. We highly recommend using the "Generate" button to the right of the password field to create a secure random password.

  • Once you have entered your new password, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the blue "Update Email Settings" button.

Please Note: You will need to update any passwords for your email account in your mail clients (Outlook, Mac Mail, etc) before they will be able to receive mail again.

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