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Changing cPanel account passwords in WHM - Knowledgebase / WHM Reseller Management - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Changing cPanel account passwords in WHM

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Frequent changes to important passwords help to maintain secure access to your key systems and minimise your risk of compromise. You can update existing cPanel passwords in your WHM account. This can help with accounts that may have been compromised and to allow access for users who have forgotten their original password.


  1. Log into your WHM hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the "List Accounts" tool under the "Account Information" category.

  3. Find the cPanel account you'd change in the list.

  4. Click the "+" button next to the domain name for the cPanel account. 

  5. Enter the new password in the "Change Password" field.

  6. Click "change" to commit the change.

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