You will need your cPanel credentials to complete this task. Your cPanel credentials were provided to you in your Welcome Email.
- Log into your cPanel account.
- Under the 'Email' header, select 'Email Accounts'.
- Click on the blue 'Create' button at the top right of the list.
- Follow the prompts on the 'Create an Email Account' page.
- Domain: Select the domain you wish to create the mailbox for. This is your cPanel account's main domain by default.
- Username: Select a username for your new mailbox. This is the part of the email address to the left of the at (@) symbol.
- Security: You can enter a password for the account here. We always recommend using the Generate button to the right of the password field to create a secure random password. You can also choose to provide an alternate email address to send a password configuration link to instead if you wish.
- Storage Space: This is the maximum size of the mailbox. Note that mailboxes will always count towards your cPanel account's total allowed space.
- Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing: You can choose for your mailbox to automatically create folders based on plus addressing. You can read more about plus addressing here.
- Send a welcome email with instructions to set up a mail client: This will automatically send an email with instructions on configuring mail clients to the new mailbox you've just created.
- Once you've filled this out, you can click the blue "+ Create" button at the bottom of the page. If you have multiple mailboxes to create, you can tick the "Stay on this page after I click Create" box just above this button.