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Creating a new cPanel hosted email account - Knowledgebase / Email Hosting - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Creating a new cPanel hosted email account

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Each of the website hosting plans provided by Micron21 comes with basic email functionality. This guide will walk you through the process of creating new email accounts so that you can begin sending and receiving emails through an email address on your own domain.


  1. Log into your cPanel account.

  2. Under the "Email" header, select "Email Accounts".

  3. Click on the blue "+ Create" button at the top right of the list.

  4. Follow the prompts on the Create an Email Account page.

    • Domain: Select the domain you wish to create the mailbox for. This is your cPanel account's main domain by default.

    • Username: Select a username for your new mailbox. This is the part of the email address to the left of the at (@) symbol.  This is also known as the mailbox name.

    • Password: You can enter a password for the account here. We always recommend using the Generate button to the right of the password field to create a secure random password. You can also choose to provide an alternate email address to send a password configuration link to instead if you wish.

  5. The following options are within the Optional Settings Dropdown

    • Storage Space: This is the maximum size of the mailbox. Note that mailboxes will always count towards your cPanel account's total allowed space.  If you feel that you may need more space in future, you can always upgrade your plan.

    • Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing: You can choose for your mailbox to automatically create folders based on plus addressing.

    • Send a Welcome Email with Instructions to Set Up an Email Client: This will automatically send an email with instructions on configuring email clients to the new mailbox you've just created.

  6. Once you've filled this out, you can click the blue "+ Create" button at the bottom of the page. If you have multiple mailboxes to create, you can tick the "Stay on this page after I click Create" box just above this button.

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