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Finding your domain password (EPP code) - Knowledgebase / Domain Panel - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Finding your domain password (EPP code)

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When transferring a domain name away from Micron21, your new domain provider will require a copy of your domain password.  Some providers may refer to this differently, with some examples being:  Domain EPP Code; Domain Secret; or Domain Passcode.  You can find your domain password in your Micron21 Domain Panel account.


  1. Log into Domain Panel.

  2. Click on the "Domains" tab on the left-hand side of the page.

  3. Find your domain name on the page, or search for the domain name using the search bar.

  4. Click on the "Domain Name" and a pop-up window will open.

  5. Click "Show Password" under the "Domain Password" heading, and your unique code for the domain name will be revealed.

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