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How to view usage quotas for a project in mCloud - Knowledgebase / mCloud - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

How to view usage quotas for a project in mCloud

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This guide details the steps required to review your Project's Usage and Quota via the mCloud Dashboard.


  1. Log into mCloud here:

  2. In the Projects Dropdown option at the top of the dashboard, select the project you’d like to review.

    • 1a.png

  3. In the Navigation side panel navigate to Project > Compute and click on the Overview option.

    • 1b.png

  4. In the Limit Summary section, you can view the overall usage and quota limits for the project, including Compute, Storage and Network.

    • 1c.png

  5. Scroll down the page further to the usage summary heading which displays the breakdown by instance and time.

    • 1d.png


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