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Manually installing an SSL in cPanel web hosting - Knowledgebase / Website Hosting - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Manually installing an SSL in cPanel web hosting

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If you have purchased an SSL via a third party or have organised a paid SSL with Micron21 you will need to manually install the SSL to your hosting service.  This guide details how you can upload a certificate using cPanels tools.


Ensure you have uninstalled any existing SSL certificates from your cPanel service and that you have the Certificate and Private Key ready.


  1. Log into your cPanel hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the SSL/TLS tool in the "Security Category".

  3. Under "install and manage SSL for your site (HTTPS)", then click "Manage SSL sites".

  4. Select the domain name associated with your SSL from the drop-down under "Install an SSL Website".

  5. Enter the Certificate in plain text in the "Certificate: (CRT)" field.

  6. Enter the Private Key in plain text in the "Private Key (KEY)" field.

  7. Optionally, if you have a copy of your CABUNDLE, then you can enter this in plain text in the "

  8. Click "Install Certificate" to complete the installation.

If there are any issues with the SSL, warnings will be displayed next to the field where errors have been detected which you can use to review. If you're having trouble adding the SSL,  feel free to reach out to our Micron21 Support team, whereby you can supply us with a copy of the Certificate and Private Key, or CABUNDLE, and we can attempt to install on your behalf.

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