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Removing an SSL certificate from your website in cPanel - Knowledgebase / Security - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Removing an SSL certificate from your website in cPanel

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Sometimes you may need to remove an SSL certificate from your website in cPanel. Often this is to install an AutoSSL Certificate on your cPanel account, as cPanel won't install over an existing certificate even if it has expired. You may also need to remove an SSL to troubleshoot issues with SSL connections.


  1. Log into your cPanel account.
  2. Navigate to the "SSL/TLS" tool in the "Security" category.
  3. Under the "INSTALL AND MANAGE SSL FOR YOUR SITE (HTTPS)" heading to the right of the page, click "Manage SSL sites".
  4. Under the "Manage Installed SSL Websites", locate the SSL site you'd like to remove and click on "Uninstall" under the "Actions" column.
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