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Suspending cPanel accounts in WHM - Knowledgebase / Security - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Suspending cPanel accounts in WHM

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cPanel suspension is primarily used to minimise damage when an account has been compromised in some way, such as a contact form being abused or resource limits being exceeded due to out-of-date plugins/scripts. 

Suspending a cPanel service in WHM will stop all access to the cPanel plan, including any websites built within and any email addresses that exist within cPanel. Incoming emails, however, will continue to be delivered.

Suspending a cPanel account:

  1.  Log into your WHM reseller hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the "Manage Account Suspension" tool under the "Account Functions" category.

  3. Select the domain you would like to suspend or the username of the account.

  4. Optionally, you can add a reason in plain text in the "Reason" field.

  5. Click the "Suspend" button to complete the suspension.

Unsuspending a cPanel account:

  1.  Log into your WHM reseller hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the "Manage Account Suspension" tool under the "Account Functions" category.

  3. Select the suspended domain you would like to unsuspend or the username of the account.

  4. Click the "unsuspend" button to complete the suspension.

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