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Troubleshooting Mac Mail connection issues - Knowledgebase / Email Hosting - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Troubleshooting Mac Mail connection issues

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If you keep seeing that your IP Address is being blocked by your cPanel hosting service due to failed login attempts and you use the Default Mail app on a Mac Device, it's possible that you have Automatic connection settings enabled,  which  can cause issues with device connections. This guide will walk you through how to check that your password is correct, and also how to disable the automatic connections setting in the Mac Mail application.

Checking your email password is correct:

  1. Navigate to your webmail URL, YOURDOMAIN/webmail.

    If you only manage email with cPanel, you will need to navigate to your server hostname and specify the port number 2096, to specify the port. You will need to add ":2096" to the end of your server URL (e.g.

  2. Attempt to log into your webmail service using your email address and password.

  3. If you cannot log into Webmail, you'll need to reset your cPanel Email Password.

  4. If you have been able to gain access and know the correct password is being used in your app, then continue with the below.

Disabling automatic connection settings:

  1. Go to the "Mail" app.

  2. Click "Mail" in the menu at the top left.

  3. Click "Preferences".

  4. Click "Accounts".

  5. Find your account on the left and select it.

  6. Select the "Server Settings" heading on the right.

  7. Untick the two check boxes that say "Automatically manage connection settings".

  8. Click the little red "X" on the top left to close the window.

If you continue to have trouble with your IP address being blocked,  it's possible that another device is causing you issues.  Check these other devices on your network that are connected to your email, to ensure that all of them are working correctly and have the correct and up-to-date password.  You can also follow our guide about how to troubleshoot IP blocks on cPanel.

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