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Updating your WordPress password via phpMyAdmin - Knowledgebase / Security - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Updating your WordPress password via phpMyAdmin

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This guide explains how to reset your WordPress password using the phpMyAdmin tool in cPanel. Familiarity with SQL services is recommended.


Before you start, make sure to take a backup of your MySQL database to ensure you can revert any changes if needed.


  1. Navigate to your cPanel-hosted service.

  2. Locate your WordPress database name in the "wp-config.php" file. The file will be stored in your WordPress installation directory.

    1. In the "wp-config.php" file, under "name of the database for WordPress", you will see the function calling your database name which will read: "define( 'DB_NAME', 'Database_Name' );".

  3. Click the "phpMyAdmin" tool under the “databases” category.

  4. Expand the database associated with your WordPress website, (e.g. USER_WP123).

  5. Find the "_users" table.  It will have a prefix that would have been defined during the WordPress installation. Click to open the table.

  6. Identify the user you want to change the password for. (Usually, the "admin" user is found under the "user_nicename" column). 

  7. Select “Edit” on the required user.

  8. Find the "user_pass" row and select "MD5" in the drop-down list under the "Function" column.

  9. Enter your new password in the "Value" field.

  10. At the bottom of the page, make sure the drop down menus state "Save" and "Go back to previous page", then click "Go" in the same box.

  11. Test the updated credentials at YOURDOMAIN.COM/wp-login.


If you're not comfortable following these steps, don't worry! You can always reach out to our Micron21 Support team to help you reset your password. We'll be happy to assist you and the service will be charged at our standard ad-hoc rate.

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