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Using the Domain Panel free DNS hosting service - Knowledgebase / Domain Name - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Using the Domain Panel free DNS hosting service

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This article walks through how to manage your domain name DNS records via the Domain Panel DNS management area. Using the FreeDNS hosting service, you can manage the following DNS types:

  • A

  • AAAA


  • MX

  • NS

  • SRV

  • TXT

Keep in mind that changes to DNS can take between 2 and 8 hours to take effect due to propagation. After this time, your domains should resolve using the new details. Please contact Micron21 support if you notice any issues after this time.


You’ll need to ensure that the domain name you’d like to manage is hosted within the Micron21 Domain Panel and that it is using the correct NameServer records which are listed below:



If the domain name is not using the correct NameServer records, when you go to “Manage DNS” there will be an option to activate the domain name. Click the button to update the NameServers Automatically.

Steps to add a new DNS record to your Domain Name:

  • Log into Domain Panel:

  • Navigate to “Domains” in the side panel.

  • Click the Name of your domain name then scroll down and click the “Manage DNS” button.

  • You can then click the “Add New Record” button to create a new entry.

  • Set the DNS type from one of the DropDown options (listed above) and enter any required details from your host.

Example DNS Records from third-party services (Office 365, GSuite, Shopify, etc)

Please refer to the link below on how to connect your domain from known third-party service providers

Some things to note:

  • You’ll notice a number of pre-existing records which are automatically added to the domain’s zone. These records are defaults that allow the domain to function.

    • The SOA (Start Of Authority) Record: All DNS zones need an SOA record in order to conform to IETF standards. SOA records are also important for zone transfers. This record should not be deleted or edited in your zone.

    • The NS (Name Server) Records: These records indicate which DNS server is authoritative for that domain record. These records should not be changed within the FreeDNS manager. If you need to change your NameServer records, please refer to the guide linked below:

    • The TXT (Text) Record: This is an optional record. The TXT record with a value of “New DNS Zone” can help with DNS lookups to ensure the new zone is active by looking up the domain name using third-party services and looking for TXT records. Feel free to delete this record if you do not require it.

  • Some providers state that the ‘Name’ or ‘Host’ of the new DNS record should be “@”. This is a symbol to represent the primary domain name, so when entering records that state “@” ensure you use the full domain name in the Name Field.

  • CNAME Records cannot be set against the primary domain name and must be configured as a subdomain. For example, is the primary domain name and cannot be set as a CNAME name, whilst is a subdomain and it can be configured as a CNAME records name.

  • If you are unsure about how to add any records that your provider has supplied to you, feel free to pass the details to our Support Team at Ensure you mention the domain name you’d like to have updated and what records require changes. Always pass along DNS records in Plain Text as screenshots make it difficult to accurately input the data.

  • If you have not been supplied with a ‘TTL’ , we suggest you match the existing records, or use 3600 (which is 1-hour in seconds). TTL stands for “Time to Live” and determines how long a packet stays alive before the router discards it.

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