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Creating a new cPanel account in WHM - Knowledgebase / Website Hosting - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Creating a new cPanel account in WHM

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WHM is the account manager for cPanel, you can create new cPanel services manage and monitor the resources of each account, bill clients separately.


You have a WHM Reseller hosting service.
You have a package created that will not exceed your resource limits, particularly disk space, and that there is enough space for the new cPanel account.
You can create a new package following our guide.


  1. Log into your WHM account.

  2. In the "Account Functions" section, click on the "Create a New Account" tool.

  3. Fill out the details for your new cPanel account:

    • Domain: The domain you wish to use for this account.

    • Username: The name of the account you are creating. This is auto-filled by the server. We suggest you leave this as-is.

    • Password/Re-type Password: The password for this account. We highly recommend using the "Generate" button to the right of the password field to create a secure random password. 

    • Email: The email address the server will send alerts related to this account to.

    • Choose a Package: Select a package for this account. This will be the package you created in the first part of this article.

  4. If the cPanel account is only for website hosting and not for emails, select the "Remote Mail Exchanger" option under "Mail Routing Settings". This will route the mail for this domain to an external server.

  5.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue "Create" button.

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