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Creating additional FTP users in cPanel - Knowledgebase / cPanel Shared Web Hosting - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Creating additional FTP users in cPanel

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You can create and limit alternative FTP accounts in your cPanel.  With this, you can pass limited or full access to a third-party, such as a web developer, to access and manage website files on your behalf.  You can also generate an FTP configuration file for CoreFTP or Cyberduck to simplify the connection type.


  1. Log into your cPanel hosting service.

  2. Navigate to the "FTP Accounts" tool in the files category.

  3. Enter the required details for the account.

    1. Log In:  Enter the username  for the account.

    2. Domain: Select the domain you would like associated with the account.
      (When supplying the login details, the username will be a combination of the two in the form of an email address. The address does not need to exist in the account for the username to allow a connection).

    3. Password: Set the password for the account, you can generate a random password using the "Password Generator" button.

    4. Directory: Set the directory where the account will have top-level access. By default, the directory will be set to your user directory (top level) and as you fill in the username and domain, it will add them as a path.  For example: /home/youruser/domainname/username.

    5. Quota: Set the data limit for uploads from the FTP user.

  4. Click the "create FTP Account" button to generate the FTP user.

You can supply users the Server Hostname or IP, Username and Password or generate an FTP configuration file and supply the file to them.

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