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Reviewing or downloading a copy of your domain order receipts - Knowledgebase / Domain Panel - Micron21 Knowledge Hub

Reviewing or downloading a copy of your domain order receipts

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You can review and download a PDF copy of any historical domain order receipts that are in your Domain Panel account.


  1. Log into Domain Panel  (NB: if you're unsure, you can follow the information here).

  2. Click on the "Account" tab on the left-hand panel.

  3. Click on the "Receipts" tab (NB: this sub-category will appear under the "Account" tab when clicked).

  4. Find the receipt you would like to download a copy of and click on the "Receipt ID" which will open a details box.

  5. Click on the receipt name at the top of the details box and a PDF will open in a new tab. You can download a copy of the PDF using the "Download" button on the top right-hand side of the PDF viewer.

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